If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life!
For 37 years I've been doing what I love, teaching children and adults. Now I'm preparing for the next chapter of my life, RETIREMENT and taking photos & creating art. Spring and summer have been busy, but oh what fun!
I started off with a Spring Apple Blossom Family Photo Shoot for the Croeber family. The blossoms had passed, but I was able to perform some magic with some apple blossom photos I had taken a week before! Always up for a challenge!
Later in May I was surrounded by love and cuteness when I photographed Katelyn, Kevin & 10-week old baby Jayden. We had a beautiful, yet breezy day to take outdoor photos at North Hampton State Beach and Plaice Cove before moving indoors. I'm so in love with these images!
I'm convinced the flowers loved our long, cold winter. From lupine to poppies to peonies and roses, they have been nothing less than SPLENDID! They must have been very cozy, snuggled up underground, insulated by a blanket of snow. They sure make some pretty new photo cards!
Miss Mia was the BEST model I could have asked for while photographing my marketing photos for my new Hoopla Mini Sessions that I'll be offering soon. The hoop drew some interesting, positive comments from beach walkers and the results are better than I could have imagined. Can't wait to offer some seasonal Hoopla sessions with different colors and decor on the hoop. And I had to get a shot with Mia and her mom, Katie!
I had the honor of celebrating 30 years of LOVE with Pam & Ed McDonough and some of their closest family & friends. I was a bridesmaid in their wedding, Godmother to their second born child, Patrick and I treasure the friendship bond I have with them. Katie did a fabulous job organizing the party and Seamus's "Happy Anniversary Balloon" was perfect! Their speeches were full of love! A room full of Family, Friends & Food led to a night of Fun! Cheers to 30 years filled with LOVE! 

My latest and first Maternity session was early yesterday morning. It was such a pleasure photographing Camila & Nic at North Beach and the Rye cairns. They were both glowing although Nic might say it was sweat from the morning sun! It's going to be hard to choose favorites from this shoot! Baby-to-be Andreas, who will be coming into this world later this month, is one lucky little guy to be getting Camila & Nic for parents and my colleague, Cinda Patrie as his grandma, too! So much love! 

I've only been on vacation from school a little less than 2 weeks, but have been enjoying it so far. I leave on Sunday for a 2-week adventure, travelling from Bar Harbor to Yarmouth Nova Scotia via Lubec (for a 5-day New England Photo Workshops/Hunt Photo "Bold Coast" photo workshop), St. John, New Brunswick where I want to see those 52-foot tides, Prince Edward Island for a little beach time, Halifax, Lunenburg and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia with the final leg on the ferry from Yarmouth, NS to Portland, Maine. I've never been beyond bar Harbor so I am looking forward to some new scenery and lots of great new photos! I'll have lots of editing to do when I get home on July 30th!
I have been contacted by a local restaurants to hang my photos in their establishment so I will be checking that out before I head Downeast.
Once I get back I have a family photo shoot and some Senior Portraits to do before heading back to school August 16th for what could be my final year before retirement. We'll see!
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