Day #11 and I decided to get on the scale just for laughs. Well I've LOST 5 pounds in eleven days. And I weighed myself at the end of the day! Not bad. Had breakfast before going to the studio to do some work and I had a good workout there today as well. Put on Eric Wilson's Fitness Rhythms music and did a nice warm up and an upper body strength set followed by a Glute, Quad and Ab workout! It's getting easier and felt GREAT! Did some work at the gallery, got lunch from the Green Bean and headed to the beach after lunch. Cooked swordfish (from The Meat House) on the grill and had corn and salad for dinner. Now I need to get ready for tomorrow's Boston Waterfront Photo Walking Tour - catching the early train in the morning!

Friday the 13th was an AWESOME day! Started the early day off with a Chobani raspberry yogurt before taking the 7:04 Amtrak Downeaster to Boston for my PhotoWalks Tour of the Boston waterfront. Packed some water because it was going to be a hot one! Got into North Station around 8:20 and my tour wasn't until 10. I just HAD to have a few last photos taken with Ray Allen in the TD Garden before they take him down! I had plenty of time to get to the Old State House Museum to meet for the tour so I walked over to Quincy Market and then up to State & Washington Streets. There was a sweet man sitting on the bench with his dog playing some sort of French percussion instrument. He had a little dog on the bench next to him . I asked if I could take some photos of him and he gladly obliged. I told him about the upcoming Hearts & Hands Show and he asked if the doggie's paw counted! :-) I took several photos and then Saba, the tour leader arrived. There w...
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